University of Kent, 3rd Year, FINAL PROJECT

Project Description:

Sheerness- on- Sea is a former dockyard town, separated into Blue and Mile Towns. The main aim of the project was the design a masterplan that would reconnect the two towns and revitalize Sheerness as a whole. On the same line, the project should become an attraction for Sheerness in order to enable its regeneration and create the foundations for future developments in the area.

Sheerness has some significant architectural monuments such as the Sheerness Boat Store, a historic multi-storey building, the first of its kind with a rigid metal frame. Both the Dutch Star Forts (that were used as a defensive strategy as of the 17th century) and the rigidity of the Sheerness Boat Store, inspired the architectural character of the proposal in terms of form and materiality.

The proposed community complex provides a flexible hall, music & dance facilities, a market, a housing complex and a museum located in the restored ruined church.


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