TU DELFT, MArch, 1st Year, Semester 2 (Degree: Management in the Built Environment)

Project Description:


The why

The Hague is located in the Randstad, the most densely populated part of the Netherlands. It is one of the country’s four largest cities and the population is increasing. There has been a large flow of immigrants and migrants that settle in the city due to job opportunities. In the Hague, the relatively large share of residents with a non-native background is a reflection of the gravitational pull of the Randstad.

Each of the four big cities in the region are important in the national context. However, the Hague is known as a governmental city as opposed to the others that are known for their economic importance (Brandes, in press). Therefore, the Hague has an ambition of strengthening its economy by becoming financially independent of its governmental segment.

Central innovation districts located in the Randstad make the area an innovation hub. The connection between the economies of the region strengthens the international position of the Netherlands. To enhance the competitive position of the county, The Hague envisions central innovation district areas that will also provide housing and jobs for the increasing population and will assist in its economic renewal. The Binckhorst is one of the established areas for this function.

The Hague’s position in the national context and the position of the Binckhorst in the regional context can be seen in figures 1 and 2. Both form opportunities to strengthen the regional and national position of the city. The (re)development of the Binckhorst will therefore exploit the opportunities of strengthening the country, the city and the area.

The input

To enhance The Hague’s position in the national context, the (re)development of the Binckhorst will take advantage of the city’s status as Europe’s largest ICT/ security cluster, the ambition of having the Binckhorst as a central innovation district and the central location of the area.

The four pillars of the Binckhorst’s omgevingsplan as illustrated in figure 4 will underpin the main aims for the (re)development of the south part of the area. The plan will also consider the whole area of the Binckhorst by considering the current plans of the municipality for the North part of the Binckhorst. Therefore, Binckhorst south will complement the north boosting the potential of the arra to add value.

The how

‘’In 2050, the B functions as the creative foundation of the Binckhorst, the world’s largest ICT central innovation district, harbouring inclusiveness in an industrial environment, enhancing The Hague’s position in the innovation sector.”

To achieve this goal and considering the opportunities and aims of the city and area, three pillars were defined to steer the (re)development of the Binckhorst


To achieve innovation, the area should contribute to the world’s biggest ICT/ security cluster. By agglomeration benefits and crossover knowledge the Binckhorst will be an economic heart, attracting talent and activities in a work and living area. To fulfil this aim, connections between the Binckhorst and the Beatrixkwartier will be enhanced as that quarter is currently one of the Hague’s ICT clusters. This ICT/ security axis will allow the Hague to have a leading role in the ICT realm.


An inclusive district values the needs of all types of people. It includes a wide variety of citizens and activities. To achieve an inclusive district, the B focuses on various target groups and activities. Furthermore, the B focuses on meeting spaces and slow mobility to increase the likelihood of interaction between people.


A distinctive place-making will make the Binckhorst more attractive and liveable and will enhance the search for dwellings and offices. One of the first plans to make the area distinct and to steer it as a central innovation district would be to attract a university and research institute. This educational centre will be the anchor point for a successful redevelopment. It helps the area be distinct and it stimulates companies to settle in the Binckhorst due to spillover benefits.



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