TU DEFT, MArch, 1st Year, Semester 2

Project Description:

The Project site is a former mining complex in Lavrion, Greece, decommissioned in the 1920s. Later it was granted to the National Technical University of Athens and was renamed as the “Lavrion Technological & Cultural Park (LTCP)”.  NTUA's plan is to revitalize the abandoned complex and make the mining complex a cultural park that would contribute in the redevelopment of Lavrion. The future plan for Lavrion, is to become Greece's main port, meaning that especially during the summer period the city would be flooded from tourists. The aspects of revitalization, development and tourism, need to be taken into consideration in order to derive to an appropriate solution for the needs of both the complex and the city of Lavrion. 

Studying LTCP and the city of Lavrion, I discovered that the building that we  had to intervene on, the complex's former Power-station used to provide power to the both the whole complex and the city too, making it a significant linking point between the two. Keeping in mind NTUA's plan for LTCP as well as the needs of Lavrion, its local residents, the students & researchers of NTUA as well as tourism, education is one of the programmatic solutions that could fulfill those needs. As the Power-station was the heart of both the former mining complex and the city of Lavrion, one could argue that Libraries are the heart of education, as they represent the first stage of human development which is read/learn.  Apart from this, through my research on the city of Lavrion and its wider context, Lavreotiki, I found out that despite the large number of schools and young population, there are no libraries at all. 


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